The health benefits associated with cranberry consumption are numerous, and some, like the prevention of UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections) are well known. Researchers have also associated the components of cranberries with type-2 diabetes prevention, their general gut anti-microbial properties and cardiovascular disease… but what about CANCER?
April, being daffodil month, AKA – Cancer Awareness Month, we would be remiss not to summarize some of the research, data, and overall medical consensus that links cranberries and their components to cancer prevention.
A simple Google search of "anti-cancer properties" + cranberries yields 52,900 hits…many of which are scholarly articles, “pubmed” publications and reputable stories with nothing to gain… no fake news here!
I can dazzle you with the brilliance and full data reports from many health, nutrition and medical professionals’ peer-reviewed scientific publications on the effects of cranberries on cancers, but with the best intentions for simplification and “non-over-bearance” (a word I just invented), I will pass on a quick bullet point from each one. By the end, you too will be convinced and running to your fridge, freezer, or local grocer to stock up on the “wonderfruit”. And if unsure, going to for recipes and ideas will certainly inspire.
Various fractions of phytonutrients inhibited colon cancer cell proliferation about 15 percent, but nothing compared to the total extract of the whole fruit. There seems to be additive or synergistic anti-proliferative effects resulting from the combination of the various components compared to individual purified phytochemicals. So it’s always better to eat the whole fruit.
Anthocyanins, procyanidins, and flavonols in cranberries were all documented to have potential effects on cancer prevention in breast, colon, prostate human cancer cell lines.
Study findings have shown apoptosis (cancer cell death) in tumor cells that were treated with cranberry extract in lab experiments and suggested a direction for future clinical studies investigating the anticancer effect of the cranberry
The cranberry’s unique combination of phytochemicals have shown effectiveness in the treatment of oral diseases like caries, periodontitis and oral cancer. They do so through inhibiting acid production, and the formation of a biofilm that prevents caries (cavities). These also prevent the collection of gum pathogens The proanthocyanidin content in cranberries also demonstrate significant cancer prevention.
So this April, daffodil month, please support The Canadian Cancer Society with a donation to their worthy causes, but also add half a cup of cranberries to your family’s daily nutrition and meal planning because you know, an ounce of prevention. . .